Sir Terry Morgan brought in to chair troubled HS2


Sir Terry Morgan CBE, chair of Crossrail Ltd since 2009, has been appointed as the new chairman for HS2 Ltd and will take over from Sir David Higgins on 1 August 2018.

Mr Morgan comes in at a time of accusations of major cost overspends running into the billions and financial cover-ups on the HS2 project.

The Sunday Times reported allegations from ‘a senior manager turned whistleblower’ that HS2 Ltd had pressed staff to falsify figures, and cover up ‘petrifying’ overspends, including misleading Parliament.


Other reports have suggested the initial costs for the main civil engineering contracts for the first phase of the HS2 rail link are £1bn over budget.

Sir Terry was formerly chief executive of Tube Lines, a PPP company that was contracted to maintain and upgrade the infrastructure of the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly lines, and has held leading roles at BAE Systems, Rover Group and the Chartered Management Institute.

Transport secretary Chris Grayling said: 'Sir Terry’s wealth of experience and expertise, demonstrated in numerous leading roles including overseeing the ambitious Crossrail project, as well as his respected reputation and enthusiasm, will be invaluable in the project’s continued success.

'I also extend my great thanks to Sir David Higgins, who has led this project with determination and vision. He has brought huge expertise and experience to the development of the project and to making the case for HS2 as a driver of economic transformation.'

Ed Smith CBE also appointed as a non-executive director to the HS2 Ltd board.


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